segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2016

                    Creating volume and Expansion
                           The Chest   

Analyzing the pectoralis major muscle, we see two anatomical divisions: Pectoralis major, that visible, and pectoralis minor, which is covered by the pectoralis major, the pectoralis minor is located below the collarbone. The pectoralis major can be divided into 3 parts, they are: upper (red), medial (yellow) and lower portion (green), thus being able to use these 3 divisions in the exercises.

We will quote a simple chest workout targeting the volume and expansion:

1st bench press with dumbbells: This exercise is similar to the bench press bar, but with a difference, for its greater range of running, it favors the stretching of the pectoralis major fibers, with the auxiliary muscles, synergists, the anterior portion of the shoulder and triceps.
Execution of the movement: holding the dumbbells in semipronação, inspire and down the dumbbells up to chest level, then lift the dumbbells back to the full extent of the elbows, always expire at the end of the move and inspire the movement from the beginning.
Tip: perform an isometric contraction to locate the stress on the sternal part (breastbone, "core" of the breastplate)

2nd - Crucifix inclined:
 This exercise aims to "open chest", fully stretching the fibers, thereby making the chest expand, a chest expansion, especially in its upper part, being inclined exercício.Com the expansion exercises you , over time, will create a more harmonious design, and avoid being with a breastplate wizened
Implementation of movimeno: sitting on a bench 45, arms extended vertically, with bended arms, to relieve the elbow joint. Inhale and open arms horizontally, then raise your arms to the vertical, exhaling
Tip: This exercise should never be heavy, because it locates the effort mainly on the breastplate of fibers in the clavicular region. Whenever you return to an upright position, fachados arms, prevent the dumbbells touch each other, because then the breastplate of effort in the sternum costal (center of the chest, breast core) will be much higher

3rd - Cross Over or abduction-adduction standing with pulley face:
 This exercise aims to expand the chest as a whole, asking all muscle bundles of the breastplate. Finally varying the tilt of the torso and the angle can put into action the top, bottom and medial
Execution of motion: Trunk slightly leaning forward, arms outstretched, inspire and put the handles in touch with isometrically contracting the chest, so that the action is greater during movement, expires at the end of contraction and return to starting position.
Tip: When you return to starting position, let your arms extend slowly, so that the breastplate will continue contracting and stretching the fibers at the same time.

4th - Supino Declined or Canadian bench press:
Nerd Builder, but because the bench declined by last and not at the beginning? simple, you just perform two exercises that did not use your triceps as synergists, so they do not will not be so tired, but his pectoral yes, and training the aim is fatigued the breastplate.
This exercise mainly asks the pectoralis major and its lower fibers. Synergists, triceps and anterior shoulder portion
Execution: Inhale and lower the bar on the lower part of the chest, always controlling the movement, then suspend the bar to full extension of the elbow, always expiring at the end of the effort
Tip: the lower the bar, go down to the medial his chest line (at the nipple line), causing the medial and bottom are more requested


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