domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

Hey guys! Today I will talk about an exercise that has been around since the early days of the academy, Triceps on the parallel bars.
Muscles involved during the year: 1 - brachial Triceps 2 - Pectoral higher 3 - deltoid (anterior) 4 - anconeus As the triceps muscle the main engine of exercise and other muscles, the pectoralis major, deltoid muscles and anconeus accessories. The Brachial Triceps during that exercise is called agonist, ie it is the main muscle that performs the movement, the most requested muscle. For you to understand better an example, while performing the bench press, your Agonist muscle is the pectoralis major, the main responsible for the execution of the movement, most requested during the execution of the movement, and works with the triceps in parallel. Already the muscles, the pectoralis major, deltoid, and anconeus are called synergist muscles, but what are they? Synergist muscles are participating so will help the agonist (prime mover), being recruited during movement, but not as strongly as the agonist, assisting in implementation; Since we're talking about exercise, triceps in parallel, with the pectoralis major as a synergist is interesting you use this exercise at the end of a chest workout because the chest will be tired, and this year it will not be as requested as in other chest exercises, causing the muscle to the maximum tire and having a gain greater hypertrophy. There are two variations in the execution of the exercise, triceps in parallel. 1st - When performing the exercise you should lean the torso forward, doing this, your chest will be requested along with the anterior shoulder portion 2nd - To perform the exercise you keep your torso straight without leaning forward or anywhere, it will make your triceps are extremely requested (interesting this variation to an isolated tricep workout Ex: triceps and shoulders, triceps and biceps)
Here is a video of the execution of said exercise, using the 1st varição quite requesting the breastplate and the posterior shoulder If in your gym has no parallel bar, an option is a device called Graviton. We are nerds, we are bodybuilders!

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